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Whether you want to just

  • ride your horse through the obstacles
  • work on doing them better
  •  work on improving how your horse goes

Working Equitation is the perfect choice to have fun with your horse.

And it gives them an opportunity to do what you ask, which makes you both happy.

Smiling horse

But sometimes, even though it's supposed to be fun for both of you, you may find...

Knowing what to do isn't the same as doing it and some parts are harder than they look.

Some days things go pretty well and other days you don't know why they are worse but it's definitely not as much fun.

You feel like you're going in circles and you're not sure what your next step should be

That it is fun and your relationship is great, but you'd like to do better and help your horse develop mentally and physically.

Knowing what to do isn't the same as doing it and some parts are harder than they look.

Some days things go pretty well and other days you don't know why they are worse but it's definitely not as much fun.

You feel like you're going in circles and you're not sure what your next step should be

That it is fun and your relationship is great, but you'd like to do better and help your horse develop mentally and physically.

Knowing what to do isn't the same as doing it and some parts are harder than they look.

Some days things go pretty well and other days they don't, and you're not sure why, but it's definitely not as much fun.

You feel like you're going in circles and you're not sure what your next step should be

That it is fun and your relationship is great, but you'd like to do better, and help your horse develop mentally and physically.

You know that what you're doing now isn't the answer 

You need to make a change so you can feel more motivated, 

know you're making progress and 

bring the fun back into your rides.

One of the most common problems that affects obstacle performance is a lack of flow. 

It can be hard to flow through the course if the horse is herky-jerky performing the obstacles.
Herky-jerky is a technical term meaning Irregular and unsteady. Like learning to drive a standard.

But it can also be hard to perform the obstacles if your horse is herky-jerky between obstacles.

The Secret To Making Obstacles Flow (see below), is free to sign up for, and includes 2 free lessons that will arrive by email and help you to pin-point very common and neglected problems.

It can be hard to practice and make progress with

limited obstacles, space and no coach.

Not if you have a plan!

The Do It Yourself Working Equitation course (see below),  was designed for just those problems. 

Often when teaching a clinic I would be told that they wouldn't be able to practice because they didn't have obstacles at home and only a small area to work on. And they didn't want to practice wrong.

I created this course, which uses items most people have and the largest station fits in the average round-pen. The videos show you how to perform various simulated obstacles at each station, and what errors to watch out for. 

Because they are set up in a small area, you can balance your cellphone on a fence and shoot a short video and compare it to the ones in the course. In effect, you can be your own coach.

Horses are right or left-handed like people. And ones that are close to being balanced will often switch between them. This can make it feel like no progress is being made.

But how can you tell which it is?

That's an important part of what I teach in the Working Equitation Mastery program (see below).

Just like us, being right or left-handed means they are stronger on one side, and more supple on the other side which means travelling straight is a challenge.

It also means that, like us, they are more likely to get sore on one side because it's working harder, or hurt themselves because their muscles are tighter.

I know you don't want that to happen and that's why the Mastery program is just as important for the recreational rider.

As you learn to observe and measure what's happening, and practice the steps to perfect the obstacle or skill, you are also perfecting your horse's balance. So you can enjoy more time together.

Improving your obstacle and dressage work improves your horse's balance.
Improving their balance improves their obstacle and dressage work.

Sounds Fun!

The Recreational Path


Secret To Obstacle Flow

Actually it's not just Flow in the obstacles. Sign up to learn the 3 important keys to good flow and receive access to 2 extra free lessons by email.

  • Learn the 3 Keys
  • Bonus Flexion Lesson
  • Bonus Tempo tips
  • Improve your horse's balance
  • Free

Do It Yourself WE

If you have limited obstacles, space or coaches this program was designed to get you up and running. Use simple stations to practice multiple obstacles and video clips teach you errors.
Available FREE with the Mastery program

  • Videos to train your eye
  • Simple to make stations
  • Aerial diagrams included

Join WE Mastery

You've made a good start in WE but there's always room for improvement. Are you missing a step? The course is designed to work as a choose your own adventure allowing you to focus on your needs and desires.

  • WE Obstacles
  • WE Dressage
  • Beyond the Basics
  • Includes DIYWE
  • Mentorship Opporunity

If none of these appeal to you, check out the Resources page to see what else is available.
